Expecting a baby? Personalized prenatal care is our specialty as you wonder what your chiropractic treatment might look like. Let’s chat about your options together! We’re here to support you throughout this amazing journey.

When to Start Personalized Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Many of our established patients share their exciting news with us early on. What an honor! We often see them around 4-6 weeks gestation. We’ll often focus on whatever brought you in before baby was on the way.

New to us during pregnancy? Most prenatal patients come in around 12-15 weeks gestation. Why this timing? I’ve got some thoughts on that, the biggest factor is probably Relaxin.

Don’t worry – Relaxin itself does NOT cause pain. But this helpful hormone creates bio-mechanical changes that might feel uncomfortable. Everyone blames Relaxin during those final weeks. Funny thing is, it actually peaks around 12 weeks.

Many parents wait until that magical 12-week mark to share their happy news. The chance of loss drops significantly then. It’s also when many feel ready to try new health approaches. Hello, chiropractic care!

At Pinnacle Hill Chiropractic, you’re never just another patient. You’re unique, and so is your care. Not feeling comfortable with something we suggest? Just tell us! We have plenty of gentle options just for you. Personalized prenatal care means we adapt to your needs.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Early Pregnancy?

Absolutely! Research shows no link between early gestation chiropractic care and pregnancy loss. If you have a history of loss, we can provide gentle relief that feels right for you. Your comfort during treatment is our priority.

How Often Should You Get Prenatal Chiropractic Care?

Ouch – acute pain during pregnancy is no fun. We’ll see you more frequently at first. Maybe 4-6 visits in 2-3 weeks. We’ll kick that pain to the curb quickly.

Once you’re feeling better, we’ll space things out. Most prenatal patients come every 2 weeks during their pregnancy. This sweet spot works wonderfully for most.

But hey – everyone’s different! Some of my patients do great with visits every 3-4 weeks. Your body, your schedule. Your rapidly changing body deserves individualized attention. We’d rather prevent problems than chase symptoms.

As you near your due date, we’ll probably want to see you more often. Around 35-36 weeks, weekly visits become our norm. Baby’s growing quickly now, we’ll support you all the way to birth day.

The Benefits of Personalized Prenatal Care for Labor and Delivery

Here’s something exciting- Research hints that regular adjustments might make labor easier. Less time, less pain during delivery? Yes please! While we can’t promise specific results, our holistic approach supports your birth goals beautifully.

Your prenatal plan is as unique as your baby’s fingerprints. It evolves with your changing needs. Personalized prenatal care continues throughout your pregnancy journey. We’re in this together.

Additional Prenatal Wellness Options

Not feeling the chiropractic vibe during pregnancy? No problem at all! Our amazing massage therapists specialize in prenatal care too. Heavenly relaxation awaits with prenatal massage!

Several of us at Pinnacle Hill absolutely love working with prenatal patients. It’s our passion. Feeling uncomfortable? Ready for relief?

Book your first prenatal chiropractic visit today and start feeling better tomorrow!

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