One of the many things I look forward to with spring and summer is the increased craving for green smoothies. Not to say you can’t drink smoothies all winter long; for me, I just cannot get into it. But we are not here to talk about winter…we are here to talk about green smoothies. 

I usually like to build a smoothie with plenty of freedom and creativity, but making sure I keep certain guidelines. Most importantly, including some form of green, fat, fiber, and protein. This combination will ensure stable blood sugar, feeling satiated, and a well rounded snack or addition to a meal. 

In comes my favorite green smoothie recipe. As mentioned above, feel free to have fun with it and change some things that aren’t your thing. Just keeping in mind those guidelines for maximum nourishment and enjoyment.

  • ½ cup green tea
  • Handful of frozen pineapple and mango
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger
  • Half of an avocado
  • 1 pitted date
  • 1 tbsp of flax meal
  • 3 tbsp hemp powder
  • Handful of ice
  • Fill to the top with kale

Optional: a sprinkle of cayenne for some kick, and additional anti-inflammatory properties

And some additional tips:

  • For dates, if they seem dry and hard, soak them in a bowl of water for a few minutes before adding to the blender so that it blends easily.
  • For easier digestion, add some fresh fruit or seeds to the top of the smoothie – or pour into a bowl and eat with a spoon. All of these things prompt more chewing, which will help you not feel as potentially bloated when having a smoothie.
  • With this recipe, or any smoothie recipe, take all of the ingredients besides the liquid and ice, and put them into a baggy or container and leave in the freezer for some easy prep. 

Happy smoothie making!