In honor of kicking off Women’s Fitness Classes tonight, here are the benefits of strength training for women at any age or stage of life.

Benefits of Strength Training For Women

  • Decreased risk of heart disease complications including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and stroke
  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Helps to regulate blood sugar
  • Helps to prevent osteopenia and future osteoporosis
  • Helps reduce fall risk with aging
  • Helps to manage weight
  • Helps to prevent musculoskeletal pain, such as back pain and knee pain
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Improves symptoms associated with mental health conditions
Unfortunately there are a lot of myths surrounding strength training, including that it “will make you bulky” or that is not safe as you age. Exercise is actually just as effective as medication for adults when it comes to mental health conditions, especially depression and anxiety. The list of benefits is truly endless and carries over into pregnancy as well!

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

  • Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of postpartum depression
  • Reduces the risk of gestational hypertension
  • Potentially reduces labor time
  • Reduces maternal weight gain
The Pinnacle Hill Chiropractic Women’s Fitness Class is open to women of ALL AGES! This is the perfect prenatal fitness option for expectant mothers but is also appropriate for women in menopause. They will be taught by Coach Jess Kleinhammer of Thrive 585 Strength & Wellness Coaching. Modifications will be provided no matter what your fitness level. Classes are Monday mornings at 6:15am and Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm in our lower level gym. You can drop in for a single class for $25 each or purchase an 8-class punch card for $170. Reserve your spot HERE.
If you have any questions about our Women’s Fitness Class, reach out to Coach Jess on Instagram @thrive585_jess or  speak to your Pinnacle Hill Chiropractic provider. And if you are currently experiencing pain or limitations, you can share them at your first class.
We hope to see you there!