Sauna use is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. As technology has developed, there are now many more accessible ways to to benefit from saunas. After a massage, sauna use can help the client boost recovery and gain full body benefits. The benefits of post massage sauna include:

  • Detoxification
  • Improved circulation
  • Chronic pain management
  • Increases muscle recovery rate
  • Relaxation


The act of sweating during sauna use contributes to detoxification, clearing skin from impurities. The heat also improves lymphatic circulation within the body, improving detoxification of body tissues, and boosting immune activity. This is important for full body recovery and maintenance.

Improved circulation

Sauna use increases blood circulation by expanding blood vessels. This process helps the muscle tissue receive additional blood supply, increasing recovery.

Chronic pain management

Regular sauna use has been proven to aid in management of chronic pain. Paired with massage, the combination is an effective way to manage pain levels.

Increase muscle recovery rate

A sauna session will allow your body to produce heat shock proteins, ones that are quickly created when the body is undergoing heat therapy. These proteins are made to rebuild muscle, which is important after a deep tissue massage. Post-massage sauna use may reduce soreness and improve results.


Lastly, the combination of sauna and massage therapy puts the client in a more relaxed state than either alone. Relaxation decreases stress and anxiety, promoting a better sense of wellbeing. 

Overall, sauna use has proven to bring many benefits to the body and mind. Paired with massage therapy, it can increase the benefits gained and boost muscle recovery after deep tissue sessions. So book a sauna session after your next massage therapy appointment.


What order should I do sauna and massage?

It is more beneficial to sauna after the massage, because of the boosted muscle recovery and whole body benefits.

How long to stay in the sauna to get benefits?

Sitting in the sauna for at least 30 minutes will be enough to gain the benefits. The length of the session can get longer as you get more used to the heat.