• Dancer Blog: Why Telling Dancers To Stop Doesn’t Work

    About 12 years ago my best friend and then dance partner was sitting in a hospital room. She had just undergone surgery on both of her ankles to repair fraying that had occurred along her Achilles tendons. She woke up [...]

    By Published On: May 11, 2020
  • Postpartum Preeclampsia

    Our office is honored to care for so many pregnant and postpartum women from around the Rochester, NY community. Although our specialty is the treatment of pregnancy and postpartum related neuromusculoskeletal conditions, we also speak with our patients about a [...]

    By Published On: May 6, 2020
  • Dancer Blog: Flexibility and Strength

    Welcome back to the Dancer Blog! This week, we’re going to be wrapping up our three part mini-series on stretching and flexibility! To do that, I want to talk about how strength plays into flexibility and how both are essential [...]

    By Published On: May 4, 2020
  • The Anatomy of a Disc Injury

    Very often, we have patients tell us that they were diagnosed by a health care provider with a “slipped” disc, bulging disc, herniated disc, *insert scary adjective* disc. But just as often as they tell us that, most have no [...]

    By Published On: April 29, 2020
  • Dancer Blog: Stretching vs. Warming Up

    Welcome back to the Dancer blog! Last week we discussed oversplits and the harmful effects they have on a dancer’s body. This week, we’re talking about the difference between stretching and warming up. A lot of dancers tend to approach [...]

    By Published On: April 23, 2020
  • Dancer Blog: Oversplits Are Causing More Harm Than Good

    Hey everyone and welcome back to the Dancer Blog! This week I want to talk about the use of Oversplits as a form of stretching and its effect on a dancer’s body. For those who may not know, an oversplit [...]

    By Published On: April 15, 2020
  • The Core Canister

    We often talk to our patients about core strength, core stability, core stiffness, etc. But what are we referring to exactly when we say “the core”? The core is essentially a network of musculature that ideally operates in tandem with [...]

    By Published On: March 25, 2020
  • How Our Providers Can Help You Postpartum

    More times than not I have postpartum women come into my office telling me that they had no idea what to do regarding their postpartum symptoms. These symptoms can add to the already increasing emotional and physical stressors that new [...]

    By Published On: March 23, 2020
  • Dance Blog: Why Is It So Hard For Dancers To Find A Good Healthcare Provider? Part 2

    Welcome back! Last blog, I made the point that dancers are different from every other kind of athlete because of biomechanics. Today, I’m going to talk about how. Biomechanics is a huge and expansive topic when talking about dancers. So [...]

    By Published On: March 19, 2020
  • Running Postpartum

    Approximately 25% of women do not participate in physical activity for a variety of reasons. This number increases during the postpartum period due to physical, personal, psychological and physiological factors. Many women are also very unsure of how to get [...]

    By Published On: March 11, 2020
  • Dancer Blog: Why Is It So Hard For Dancers To Find A Good Healthcare Provider? Part 1

    I’ve been dancing since I was eight years old. I started, like many dancers do, dancing and competing with a studio. Eventually, I went on to get my BFA in dance and performed professionally, across the country as well as [...]

    By Published On: March 9, 2020
  • Shin Splints: What are they and how do I get rid of them?

    If you are a runner, play a sport that involves a lot of running (basketball, soccer, lacrosse, etc.) or maybe you are on your feet all day at work and are constantly walking place to place (nurses, construction workers, etc.) [...]

    By Published On: March 4, 2020