Pregnancy and prenatal patients see a number of changes and symptoms throughout their pregnancy. Added weight gain creates extra demand on spinal and pelvic muscles, potentially causing mechanical and neurological dysfunctions such as:
- Stress and fatigue of the spinal and pelvic ligaments
- Joint stress
- Vertebral and pelvic restrictions
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain
- Pubic symphysis pain
- Low back pain
- Sciatica
- Pain at the coccyx (tailbone)
- Pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence, pain or discomfort with penetration or intercourse, etc)
- Leg cramps and restless leg syndrome
- Headaches
- Nausea
- And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome aggravated by fluid retention
Prenatal chiropractic care can restore physiological function for both the patient and their baby. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends regular appointments throughout pregnancy to restore the uterus’s tone and counteract the effects of neuro-muscular imbalance in the pelvis. Pelvis misalignment may lead to inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction or baby mal-presentation – all common causes of dystonia, or difficult labor.
Chiropractic care is an essential element of prenatal care and can have many positive effects on fetal development, labor, and delivery:
- Decrease stress and interference of the gestational parent’s vital nervous system, enhancing fetal development.
- Minimize fetal constraint, creating more room for the baby’s cranium, spine, and other skeletal structures to grow unrestricted.
- Remove torsion of uterus supporting muscles and ligaments, reducing aberrant uterine tension.
- Balance pelvic structures, muscles, and ligaments for optimal fetal positioning at birth.
- Reduce the risk of dystonia (difficult labor) and unnecessary intervention induced birth trauma.
Dr. Sarah, Dr. Caitlin, Dr. Rachel and Dr. Kieran are certified in the Webster Technique – a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces the effect of sacral or pelvic restrictions and/or sacroiliac dysfunction. They offer a variety of safe and gentle hands-on therapies to help pregnant patients adapt to the complex physiological and biomechanical changes they go through from conception well into the postpartum period. Low-force adjusting techniques help restore and maintain normal motion in the joints throughout the spine and pelvis. Soft tissue techniques, stretching, at home exercises and proper nutrition will further support the ligaments and muscles. Our goal is to provide nurturing and individualized treatment as well as ongoing education to promote optimum health for patient and baby before, during, and after pregnancy.
Meet Our Prenatal Chiropractors
Conditions We Treat
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Upper Back Pain
Hand & Arm Numbness
Low Back Pain
Pelvic Pain
Pubic Joint Pain
Round Ligament Pain
Hip Pain
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Heaviness
Birth Preparation