• Dance Blog: Female Athlete Triad Part 1

    Welcome back to the dancer blog! Last time we discussed dance and the menstrual cycle. We broke down the hormonal changes that occur throughout menstruation and how we can modify our dance training to take advantage of fluctuating hormonal levels [...]

    By Published On: February 10, 2021
  • My Own Back Pain Story

    Recently, I had a fairly severe back injury. I’ve had severe back injuries in the past but this one was a little different. It lingered for about 4 weeks and did not seem to respond to my usual treatment methods. [...]

    By Published On: February 8, 2021
  • Tongue Tie and Reflux

    If you have a child that had reflux as a baby, you likely were very tired and possibly frustrated for a while until your child “grew out of it”. Your baby’s provider probably told you that reflux is common and [...]

    By Published On: February 1, 2021
  • Getting the Most Out of Your Food – Sulforaphane

    We are well aware of the endless benefits of varieties of vegetables in our diet, but how we extract those benefits from the food in the most effective way is often lesser known. Today we will be discussing the compound [...]

    By Published On: January 27, 2021
  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis AKA DRA

    We've all heard the term, but do we actually know what it is, how common it is and how it can impact your postpartum recovery? Let's learn! During Pregnancy 100% of pregnant women will have a diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) [...]

    By Published On: January 25, 2021
  • Herbs 101 – Gentian Root

    Gentian is a bitter herb, with its roots used for centuries in herbalism to greatly support the digestive system. It is used for problems such as loss of appetite, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, and vomiting. Its uses can venture [...]

    By Published On: January 20, 2021
  • Alternatives To Over-The-Counter Medications

    Chiropractors are conservative healthcare providers that do not perform surgery or prescribe medications. We use our hands to help the body heal, but occasionally will suggest a variety of supplements to help as well. Advil, Tylenol, Aleve and Excedrin are [...]

    By Published On: January 13, 2021
  • What is one possible cause of your headache?

    Tension headaches are some of the most annoying and frustrating pains we deal with on a day-to-day basis. Do we really have to deal with that though? Many people, each day, sit at a computer and if it is not [...]

    By Published On: January 11, 2021
  • Herbs 101 – Garlic

    My nutrition professor once said that if he were forced to give someone an answer to the question, “what is the best/healthiest food to eat”, it would be garlic. Although garlic (allium sativum) is botanically a vegetable, it is widely [...]

    By Published On: January 6, 2021
  • Vitamins and Minerals We Can’t Ignore – Magnesium

    Magnesium. One of the most abundant minerals in the body, is also an electrolyte. Electrolytes, commonly discussed, but not commonly understood, are responsible for all electric activity in the body; this includes brain conductivity! Electrolytes such as magnesium are accordingly [...]

    By Published On: December 28, 2020
  • Back To Basics: What is chiropractic?

    Lately a lot of our blogs have been about advanced topics, but today we'd like to get back to the basics.  Only about 8% of the population actively seeks chiropractic care. This is mainly because many people don't actually know [...]

    By Published On: August 19, 2020
  • Does One Size Fit All?

    I would say probably not right? So if one shirt doesn't necessarily fit every body type, why should chiropractic treatment be standard patient to patient? Well ultimately...IT SHOULDN'T. Doctors of Chiropractic around the world have performed spinal manipulations to people [...]

    By Published On: August 10, 2020