• Jaw Pain and Mouthguards: Understanding the NTI-tss

    Whenever I see a patient for jaw pain also known as TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint) pain, I always ask them if they are prone to grinding and/or clenching. An estimated 60% of adults exhibit some sort of clenching, grinding or shifting [...]

    By Published On: August 18, 2021
  • What Is Causing Your Migraine?

    The current approach we have toward treating migraines in the general population can leave us with a number of potential side effects. And the real problem, along with other approaches toward different conditions, is that we are often treating the [...]

    By Published On: August 11, 2021
  • Postpartum PR’s

    Postpartum recovery can be anything and everything but familiar. Sometimes it goes exactly as planned and sometimes it can veer off the rails more than you ever anticipated. This weekend, Iceland's Annie Thorisdottir absolutely dominated the CrossFit Games as a [...]

    By Published On: August 4, 2021
  • How Soaking Nuts and Beans Can Improve Your Health

    Have you ever had trouble digesting a meal that was heavy in beans or grains, or even felt fatigued after a few too many nuts? These are just a few symptoms that people experience on a regular basis, and often [...]

    By Published On: July 28, 2021
  • Morning Routine To Balance Your Hormones

    When you're looking to manage stress and overall health, start with your morning routine to balance your hormones. If you have read any of my previous blog posts, you know that I place a large focus on stress and hormones. [...]

    By Published On: July 19, 2021
  • Simple Ways To Feed Your Gut Microbiome

    Our gut is so much more than the organ system in which we excrete waste, it’s ability to function is one of the largest indicators of overall health. The microbiome is made up of flourishing bacteria in our gut, and [...]

    By Published On: July 10, 2021
  • The possibilities of an injured spine

    The other weekend, I competed in my first Strongman competition. It was an awesome event and showcased a number of extremely strong and athletic individuals local to Western NY. There were 41 competitors overall between all the different male and [...]

    By Published On: July 1, 2021
  • Essentials For A Bedtime Routine

    The importance of sleep has always been a well known concept. We have been told to get 8 hours each night and…not much else, actually. Lets discuss what are the essentials for a good bedtime routine. Why 8 hours? Is [...]

    By Published On: June 28, 2021
  • Plantar Heel Pain

    Plantar heel pain, also known as plantar fasciitis, can be incredibly painful and debilitating to deal with. It’s characterized by pain along the bottom of the foot during weight-bearing activities, especially when taking your first step in the morning. Many [...]

    By Published On: June 23, 2021
  • The Top Causes of Cortisol Disruption

    Cortisol, often known as the primary stress hormone, is a steroid hormone released by the adrenal glands that is essential for a wide range of processes in the body. It controls aspects of metabolism, immune responses, and how the body [...]

    By Published On: June 19, 2021
  • Eccentrics – the positives about negatives

    When discussing muscle physiology, there are 3 types of contractions – concentric, isometric, and eccentric. Concentric contractions are when the muscle shortens in length, isometric contractions are when the muscle does not change length, and eccentric contractions are when a [...]

    By Published On: June 15, 2021
  • Returning To Running Postpartum

    Over the last few weeks my blogs have discussed a number of different factors that pertain to returning to run postpartum or following an injury. Today we are going to dive a bit deeper into some of the ins and [...]

    By Published On: June 7, 2021