• Buying Local For Your Health

    Buying local, whether from a nearby farmer’s market or in your regular grocery store, has a laundry list of benefits; not only for your community, farmers, and environment, but for your own physical health. This practice is not always accessible [...]

    By Published On: June 2, 2021
  • Are You Waiting Too Long to Eat?

    I think it is safe to say that most of us would like to be able to eat and nourish ourselves with ease; without stress, worrying, and concern over food and our eating habits. This comes from the general concept [...]

    By Published On: May 25, 2021
  • A Look Into Intuitive Eating

    The concept of intuitive eating has seemed to rise in popularity over the past few years, even though it has been around much longer. One of the larger reasons that I appreciate the intuitive eating movement so much, is that [...]

    By Published On: May 17, 2021
  • Face Pulls

    Upper back and neck pain is something comes into the office frequently. It is often associated with muscular imbalances with the pecs and interscapular muscles as well as poor movement of the shoulder blades. Patients often complain of pain in [...]

    By Published On: May 8, 2021
  • How Stress Affects Your Digestive System

    The brain and the gut are more connected than you may initially think. They are actually constantly communicating, since the gut lining contains more neurons than the spinal cord! With that in mind, it is no wonder that stress, anxiety, [...]

    By Published On: May 4, 2021
  • Infantile Colic: A Symptom or Diagnosis?

    Infantile Colic is defined by the rule of 3s: at least 3 hours of crying per day, at least 3 days per week, for 3 weeks or more. This is likely what your pediatrician will use to make the diagnosis [...]

    By Published On: April 26, 2021
  • 4 Things You Can Do to Support Your Lymphatic System

    What is the lymphatic system? It is somehow a lesser known system in our bodies, but significant in how everything else functions. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that is a part of the circulatory and [...]

    By Published On: April 21, 2021
  • Opioid Care VS Conservative Care – Part 1

    One of the hardest things to put into perspective as a healthcare provider is why a patient should choose conservative care BEFORE moving onto drug based forms of care. It’s a hard topic to tackle, especially in the United States [...]

    By Published On: April 19, 2021
  • How To Increase Your Calories

    As chiropractors our jobs entail more than just utilizing manual therapy to help with pain. However, most people don't realize that. Our education includes extensive nutrition training that encompasses gut health, hormone imbalances, and overall wellness support. For a time [...]

    By Published On: April 13, 2021
  • Should We Be Afraid of Soy?

    The concept of plant-based or plant-focused eating is one of increased popularity and health benefits; we seem to be gaining more and more knowledge on the importance of plants taking the spotlight in our diets. But when it comes to [...]

    By Published On: April 8, 2021
  • RED-S: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

    RED-S: the result of not eating appropriately for the amount of energy that your body expends, specifically during sport. This is MUCH MORE common than originally realized and can affect every system in your body! This isn’t just seen in [...]

    By Published On: April 5, 2021
  • Learning Longevity from Blue Zones

    Blue Zone: a region of the world in which there is the highest concentration of centenarians, living healthy and happy lives. Dan Buettner, a National Geographic fellow coined the term of Blue Zones after heavily researching and spending time in [...]

    By Published On: March 31, 2021